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{-#-} NineteenHundred`s Art Market - Images to use for your Yu-Gi-Oh cards! {-#-}


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I was thinking about it, and finally, I decided that I would share the artwork I made with others.


The images displayed were drawn with Paint, and colored / modifed in GIMP.


I will try to update at least every few days to keep this thread fresh with new images. :)


All images are contained within spoilers, with 5 images per spoiler.


Permission is granted to use my images, but you must give credit to me when using them.


So here they are:


[spoiler=Gallery #1]explodingleavesjv8.pngarcanaforce1200xv2.pngbrokengunnerfh4.pngweaponryfixht8.pngnurikabeff2.png


[spoiler=Gallery #2]flamingknunchukoc6.pngshieldefendercd3.pngterrorizingpalmtreeoe3.pngcyberubberduckyhn3.pngglowstickchampioncg6.png


[spoiler=Gallery #3]bookphoniexwi0.pngrewindbuttonkp4.pngbowchampionempressny5.pngstareggoj9.png



Enjoy everyone!

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