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Aftermath of World War III (Accepting Application)


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Aftermath Of WWIII



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These people are in lower germany after the cold war now fighting to live and try to rebuild the world they once known. People live in small colonies which they try to rebuild, but people are fighting like first civilizations of the world.



The Soviet Union and Communist country as a last resort the went on all out war with the US and countries in NATO. Soviet troops went to capture Europe and China to all of Asia. This lasted for 5 years, during that time the USA was having problems with South America and Cuba fighting over territory. Worried about Cuba nuclear weapons the US bomb the territories of Mexico and Cuba for 9 days until they surrendered and so they did. With this the USA went off and conquered all the Americas including Canada. Russia and China controlled all of Europe and Asia. The United States Military worried about the world planned to settle issues with the world with the 39 nuclear warheads they had built destroying everything. So this caused WW 3 and leaving the world in discord.


15 years later.......


The world is just a shell of its formal self and now the society is on the blink of destruction. With no form of government or technology to support the people of the world. People must learn to survive.



Known groups that survived:

USA military:


Reform union (German, France People):


Communist Imperial force:


[spoiler=Forms accepted]

My Form:

Name: Chris Strikeman

Side: USA Troops



Specialties: Tactics and sniper



Name:Jake Donat

Side:unknown Former Poland Marine 666th Warsaw's hounds



Specialty:mechanic, armor and advance weapons training


Deadlycreampuff Form:

Name: Falke Burn

Side:Possibly USA army or Reform Union

Age: 23

Appearance: Black hair, hazel eyes.

Specialty: Tank driver.


Name: Martin D'Arthagnan

Side: Reform Union

Age: 27

Appearance: detective.jpg

Specialty: He is a strategy speicialist' date=' and when it comes to weapons he knows to use the Bullpup well. Also, he is good at handling knives and Beretta pistols.






[spoiler=Sign-up Form]








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"We have to walk faster than that!" Falke had people tied to ropes attached to large cinder blocks, almost like a crane. "We won't get this building finished if you don't hurry!" The people tried to pick up the pace, but failed. "Never mind, drop the ropes." The people got out of their harnesses and left, most likely going home. Falke walked over to where he kept his journal, marking this day as when he almost finished the courthouse. Then the church bells rang...

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