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[HIOCO] Shop of Userbars and Holo's! (Fast and easy to order!)


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Welcome one and all to my shop of userbars and holo's. Here I sell (obvious?) and I do them both fast. I do not generate the userbar I use both photoshop and GIMP. I make them myself and do not get anyone else to do it. I will have new things in soon like boosters and evolvable pokemon eggs that are spliced into a specific pokemon! All in good time though as this shop needs to first get popular and by doing that you need to order!




I do not tolerate any of the following rules to be broken.


1. Thou shalt not spam


If I see anyone spamming it will be a 20% warn count and an immediate ban from my shop. I do not care who you are and where you are from or what ever age you are. You will not spam in my shop or you will be punished by god. (Which name starts with an H and ends in an O.


2. Thou shalt not steal.


You steal you go down. Big time. You will get a 30% warn count and an immediate ban from the graphics section for 2 days. (That goes for anyone who steals from any shop). If you steal something you have not ordered then consequences will turn into reality.


3. Thou shalt not flame.


If I see any swearing or flaming 20% to warn count. You will not flame at anyone even if they do it to you. You will not say anything hurtful to another customer nor to any staff. Any of this and the daddy shall punish!


4. All of thou YCM rules doeth apply(eth)








Cost: 5 points

Example: [X]

Provider: Hioco1



[spoiler= Advanced Holo's]


Cost: 5 points

Example: Coming soon!

Provider: Hioco


I will have an example as soon as I can find the one I made for a project ^.^


[spoiler= Splices]


Cost: 1 point

Example: [X]

Provider: Blacklustersoldier76



[spoiler=Order Forms]






Two colours:






All of picture or just background of focal:





Please order fast and you will get fast[/align]

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Userbars are easy to make, but to hell with that, lemme see what you can do!


Hang on, I'm having second thoughts about it, the prices are well steep! No, seriously, it takes less than 5 minutes in GIMP to make 1 yet you charge 10 points for it!? Come on!


This is not spam, I'm just telling you that your prices are well steep!

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Aww lets see, I wanna job:









Price: 1 point, or free




Pokemon to splice:

Any other features? :



The any other features thing is if you want something like a tuxedo or something like that, if there are hard things to do, max is 7 points, but it's hard :neutral:

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The gradient is bleh and there is no border. (1pxl) The colours are suckish and the lines are without good opacity. So is the oval.


Hired Black luster. You will get all of the points you make and a rep every month. (Hey those things are hard to come by...)

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