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How to make Dark Synchros Requires GIMP and Paint.

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Hello, this is basically a tut on Dark Synchros.


ok, so first:


copy and save this image, you will need it later.




Now 2nd(Note, this is in GIMP:


Save your card image to your computer, and select the information that you want to stay the same. (Attribute, Picture and frame...)


example of pic and frame:





Paste the image I gave you earlier, so that it covers the stars and is lined up with everything else. Then you can recolor the card(I recommend using colorize tool in colors). After recoloring the card, paste the pic and frame so that it is lined up. Ok, this is another recoloring part. recolor the effect box lighter then the card itself.


Now, it should look like this:



4th, here comes the fun part:


use this image for the effect box(Use Paint for this part, and make sure the select icon on the left is on transparent, and that the background color is white):



k, paste this image over the effec box, the colors on the side, will show you if you got the recoloring right. Now, remember how I told you to save the parts you do not want recolored. Ok, I want you to past those in the corrisponding areas on the card. (Make sure that the background color is used to make it the background transparent.)


it should look something like this:



Finally comes the 5th step:


use this image for the negstars:



Now paste these on the oppisite side of the regular stars. Make sure that the spacing of width from each negstar is 1 pixel. make it the level you want it, and you should have a pretty well done Dark Synchro.


When it is done, it should resemble this:



I hope this tut was helpful, this is my first tut. And I am not really the best at explaining things. But I hope it helps.

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Oh, I didn't want the star. and Polls work much better, cause you can see who likes it and who doesn't. Anyways, I have only seen one other tut, and that was Chaotix' tut. It works, but it isn't the best. Also like I said, this is my first tut, I am not that good at explaining things, if I could this would have been much better. XD!

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XD' date=' I know, I resized the box from the Japanese card so that it would fit. Genius eh?[hr']

and Shadow Striker, the color is right, that is the reason for the effect box. I left the Dark Shade and light shade, and apparently it blends so the color is right.


umm actually this is a complaint lol,the box covers the effect so that the effect is a white space...yeah...

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Noo' date=' you've released the star! Shame on you!

Nice try, the current tutorials are better though.


I was the first one to release the star (or maybe kiwi-kun did?)

I ripped it from the anime then gave it to someone who needed it

then PM'd YCMaker with a dark synchro template alongside the star in hope he would add it to the card maker.

So, yeah, mine was probably in circulation

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