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What happens if Solemn is Banned?

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I think some people's head would explode in the same fashion as that guy's head in scanners. If Solemn Judgment gets banned, Monster Reborn would probably get re-banned. I don't know what other effects it would have, but that could easily be one. Also DAD and Judgment Dragon would probably get limited to 1.

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Guest PikaPerson01

I'd be annoyed that a perfectly balanced and reasonable card was banned because stupid players complained too much that their elaborate DAD OTK's were being stopped by a card with a large cost that left them completely defenseless.

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the game would be a bit more interesting I think.


it wouldn't be as bad as people think.


solemn is only a high cost stop all, decks will have to re-think ratios in order to add in more counter trap type stuff, and in turn, increase the amount of counter traps in the deck, which might do exactly what people who want it banned not want to happen.


solemn 1 gets replaced by : some sort of trap hole

solemn 2 gets replaced by: royal decree or another copy of bribe

solemn 3 gets replaced by: magic jammer """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

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