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My First Yugioh Fan-Fic: Evolution of a Duelist


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Speeding up Final Countdown simply rapes the entire Deck. I've never tried it' date=' so I don't know how it would work actually...It looks like you'd go for the use of a semi-limited card, and that's kinda uncool. Sorry. But, it's your fic, so you can use whatever deck you want.


Does Misty's have Uria, Raphael and Hamon in it?



Misty won't even try to speed up Final Countdown or work with that goal at all. Her victory condition is "reduce opponent's life points to 0." Ryan's is Final Countdown. Misty is based more on a beatdown strategy while Ryan is based on lockdown. Watch how they try to intertwine their plans.


Uria, Raviel, and Hamon are not Gods (they're "Emperors"), so no.


The chapter should be up today, unless I get writer's block, so stay tuned and find out.


Oh yeah, Mask of Darkness is semi'd isn't it? If yes, replace 1 with a Desertapir. It won't work as well, but it would still be cool if there was a lock card up. I probably won't use this combo, but I still think it would be cool to see if it were easily possible.

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Trust me, Ryan will be running the Pyro Clocks of Destiny. 3 of them to be exact. Not the best cards to use, but it seems like it would work well.

As for Misty, her deck is kind of an aggro deck. The general lockdown Ryan will be using (probably LLAB or Gravity Bind) will stop that assault ... that is until Misty gets one of her Gods out. I don't know how the archetype Misty will be running is supposed to work, but I'll figure it out when I analyze the cards more carefully.

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Even with 3 Pryo Clocks' date=' it's still only 3 turns jump.


Seems a little too small



The points of Pyro Clock is reducing the turns to go by 1. So 3 of them are able to stop 2 Turns.

Things like Threatening can reduce the amount of Battle Phases. So 3 TR's are able to stop 3 Turns. It's the same thing with Waboku, Thunder of Ruler and the slightly more situational Frozen Soul. In FC Decks they're way more practical.

Plus, Pyro Clock can hinder your own cards, like Swords or Steelcage.

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