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ice deck- i'm bored

G- Guy

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side deck:

2x Dragon Ice

3x D.D. Crow

3x Threatening Roar3x

Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

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Here's a possible Side Deck:


2x Dragon Ice

3x D.D. Crow (screws up Graveyard reliant Decks like TeleDAD, Gladiator Beasts etc)

3x Threatening Roar (slows down Decks that like to attack such as Gladiator Beasts as well as the fact it keeps Decks like Lightsworn and TeleDAD at bay after they field nuke)

3x Compulsory Evacuation Device (gets rid of Fusions and Synchros)

2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror (anti-Lightsworn)

2x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror (anti-Dark Armed Dragon)

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