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Closed-Please close this shop Blood Rose


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Can one thing this not to spam or flame anyone, but


1. You need to give credit who's holo sheets your using

2. Try to place holo over just the image not parts of the cards

3. Your Dark Synchro isn't a dark Synchro

[spoiler=Real Dark Synchro]




4. If your selling inverts they have to be free not 1 point it is the rules

5. Your booster need to be better because everything is placed in random spots.

6. With your stars are you rendering them or selling them?



That is all I have to suggest.

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i don't care if i am going to get negged but those ARE [Dark]'s and some are Ashje's.

i have reported this shop and expecting a neg rep coming soon which hopefully will be removed by the Rep Complaint thread.

it's fairly obvious the red and blue one is [Dark]'s because no other shop has it and he was the first to post it in his showcase thread.

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