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Tele-DAD lost to Plants?

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Tele-DAD has lost matches to Plants in the past, you know. One match doesn't decide whether one deck has dethroned another.


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Zombie Lightsworns have dethroned Tele-DAD! It's the end for Tele-DAD!




Tele-DAD has dethroned Plants! It's the end for Plants and the beginning of a new Tele-DAD format!

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Also' date=' the guy he was dueling wasted a Brain Control on a Botanical Lion. What does that say?



Wait, seriously?


Fredella activated Brain Control and targeted Botanical Lion. “Alright.” Fredella paid 800 life points. “You don’t get it' date='” stated McHale, politely but flatly. “Control of him can’t change.”


Fredella blinked: “I should read cards! Go ahead.” Ouch.[/quote']


what is this i dont even

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Yeah, even I play better than this guy. They both keep making moves that are worthless. I think having better decks because they have more money is all that really got them there. lol


Tytannial attacked' date=' Fredella flipped Phoenix Wing Wind Blast and discarded Malicious, and McHale tributed his Lion to negate the Blast! Fredella was briefly confused; sure enough, he’d thought Tytannial could only stop destruction effects.[/quote']


I can kinda see how they would think that, because they should have used a comma, but still... that's a very amateur mistake to make for being an SJC champ.

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