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Fiendish Engine Omega

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eh, i have never really liked this card...


it makes tokens at the end of the turn, and they are really weak ones. they are in Attack Position too! this leads to if you dont have protection, such as mirror force or something that works similarly, your opponent has a nice route to your Life Points.


plus it gets an extra boost, but then it is destroyed. hurrah.. its like it got pumped on too much power and then it exploded...


it takes too much to summon it and then get a lame-eque style effect...


i dont like it, but i am sure there are some who do. no attacks against my personal opinion, please... XD

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Can't really see a major use for this. Allurable, Trade - in compatible. Machine so it works with Limiter and can be used in Chimera summonings.

The tribute fodder spewing effect isn't that useful as they are summoned in attack position with only 200 attack they are pretty likely to be destroyed.

Its little extra effect does push it over DAD and Darklord Zerato

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Can't really see a major use for this. Allurable' date=' Trade - in compatible. Machine so it works with Limiter and can be used in Chimera summonings.

The tribute fodder spewing effect isn't that useful as they are summoned in attack position with only 200 attack they are pretty likely to be destroyed.

Its little extra effect does push it over DAD and Darklord Zerato



true... but it takes too much to get it onto the field in the first place. i agree with toni in saying that if it had a Special Summon effect and no tokens made it would be a stellar card. ;)


but, it can be used as draw fodder, as you said. cant beat that... XD

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The fact that the Token is in Attack Mode makes me hate this card. I wish I hadn't gotten it =[


All it's useful for as of right now is a 2-Tribute Effect Monster whose effect makes its ATK 3800' date= then it's destroyed.



Theoretically, you could increase the ATK to 3800, kill whatever you need to, activate Skill Drain, and still have a 2800 ATK Beatstick.

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Would this be another sad case of good art wasted?


Good art? It's Optimus Prime on crack.


Tokens with 200 ATK in attack position = Bad.

Not only that' date=' it's only one per turn, meaning that, chances are, they'll be destroyed the next turn, if they couldn't be destroyed by battle/ had a higher attack I could see monarchs running this.

I could see a combo between this and Cyber Summon Blaster, but how slow would that be?


Maybe Stumbling so the tokens are less vulnerable?[/color']

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