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New Spellcaster (rate&fix please)

Big Mac

Recommended Posts

Total (43)


Monsters (22)


Dark Red Enchanter (x2)

Gravekeeper's Spy (x 3)

Gravekeeper's Guard

The Tricky (x2)

Old Vindictive Magician (x2)

Kycoo the ghost destroyer (x2)

Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress (x2)

Magical Exemplar (x2)

Crystal Seer (x2)

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Krebons (x3)


Spells (12)


Magical Dimension (x3)

Monster Reborn

Pot of Avarice (x2)

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Book of Moon (x2)

Secret Village of the Spellcasters (x2)

Allure of Darkness (x3)


Traps (9)


Solemn judgement (x3)

Mirror force

Magicians circle (x2)


Extra Deck (15)


Black Rose Dragon (x2)

Goyo Guardian (x3)

Magical Android (x3)

Red Dragon Archfiend

Stardust Dragon (x2)

Tempest Magician (x3)

Thought Ruler Archfiend


Side Deck


Apprentice Magician (x3)

Toy Magician (x3)

Injection Fairy Lily (x2)

Royal Oppression (x2)

Light imrpisoning mirror (x2)

Royal Decree (x2)

Torrential Tribute

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ok, first remove krebons from the main deck's normal line-up.

no e-tele = no krebons.

replace him with with night's end.


2) - 2 lyla

+1 exemplar

+1 kycoo.


next, if your playing with old and seer, use apprentice instead of spy.

then you get more options

replace the guard with magical marionette, it's destruction power is useful, and I personally run it over dark red, since red does not open holes on the field to attack through. I still have red in the deck though, his reduces what your opponent can do to recover.

replace a pot of avarice with a cosr, this isn't zombies, I know, but exemplar does a good job at making it activate enough to make it worth playing.

you have 15 spells, not 12

you don't have 9 traps, you have 6.

not a bad deck overall, but you are not using spellcasters the way I do, so I may not understand some of your choices, (the tricky just isn't worth playing most of the time.) but I think you will do fine with my changes.

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