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Star Wars: Jedi Legends RP PG or possibly PG-13 (Still accepting)


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Name: Dark Knight Hadria

Class (Knight, Apprentice, Padawan, Lord, Darth): Knight

Type Of Lightsaber: Saber-whip (You know Sirli?) + 1 Normal Lightsaber

Color Of Lightsaber(s) (cannot be blue, green, or yellow, can be red, silver, and orange): The Saber is red, The Whip is Black, If it is a valid color, Otherwise, its Red

Age: 24

Picture: (Just Pretend that she has a Saber Whip instead of the one she's holding)


Planet Born: Taris

Bio (optional): Kyko(Her name before she turned into a Sith) Wasn't your average Human Girl, In fact, She had Nightsister blood in her, which gave her one of her force powers(Minor Life Drain). She, after finding out that she had the Blood of a Nightsister, She was Banished to Dathomir to where the other Nightsisters, Taught her the Dark side of the Force. Along with having Powerful Force powers, She also Inherits the Characteristic of being Force Sensitive, But after Being Taught her Force powers, She Left Dathomir After making a deal with some other Sith to help Find her Parents. /*After leaving Dathomir, She Eventually found a rare Crystal for her Light-saber whip, Giving it a black Glow*/ Even though some people are aware of her Nightsister Characteristics, She is Extremely Beautiful to Many People and She can tempt them to Serve her.


Notes: If there is no black light sabers allowed, Skip the Part Between the /* and */

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