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lol the best i have ever came in a torny is 2nd, thts beacuse where i go to duel each week theirs one of the best duelist in england who goes their, and everytime i manage to make a deck to counter his deck he always changes deck just before. damn them gadgets. also i pulled a dd warrior from a torny pack

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ive got some you can use. youll have to pay me back though.


back on the topic of tournaments,


at the tournaments you guys go to, do they do Tag Team or Double Dueling? they do at the one Slime, PLOW, An Idiot, and i go to. its kinda weird though cuz everybody plays differently.

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Never been to a tourny but I used to play at my school three years ago when it wasn't considered uncool to do so and four-six people bought decks. We always played triangle duels, and I got picked on 'coz I was the best duelist. (Funny story: my friend had a 130 card deck, and I'd always borrow 40 cards *this was after my deck was stolen* for duelling. He got fed up of me beating him, so he handed me his 40 worst cards, and rules made it I had to discard a card each time I played a monster. *things like hand + field control, locks, Sangan, etc. were non-existant. My friend actually game me Mystic Tomato and Witch of the Black Forest because he thought them to be "pathetic and weak".* Of course, I hammered him in about seven turns :).


Team duels... not so much.


Double duels... no idea what that is.

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