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Experiment - Splices and Recolors


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Just decided to random have a dip into doing these, they're not great or anything. I've already debated the positioning of the horn on Ekans. I know some may have been done before, but all these are just experiments. Be nice guys and I won't offer this in my store when it reopens.




(In Order - Nidoking recolored in Nidoqueen colors, Ekans + Dragonair, Nidoqueen + Fearow, Aggron + Swellow, Scizor recolored in Scyther colors)





(Nidoqueen+Fearow editted slightly, Pidgeotto in Metagross colours)


PB has ruined the sharpness a little (might make an Imageshack account lol)

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(In Order - Nidoking recolored in Nidoqueen colors' date=' Ekans + Dragonair, Nidoqueen + Fearow, Aggron + Swellow, Scyther recolored in [b']Scyther[/b] colors)




Otherwise, I like them.




With Nidoqueen and Fearow, You flipped wings, therefore messing the shading, looking like 2 light sources. Jappio will pick on that.

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