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Should This Shop Be Stickied?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Should This Shop Be Stickied?

    • Yes. It's an AMAZING shop!
    • Ehh.. the shop could be better, but yes
    • Maybe..
    • I don't think so..
    • No.. This shop SUCKS

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This Shop Is Guaranteed To Give You Only The Finest Quality Items Available. Our Boosters Are Realistic, As Well As Low Priced.


Some Items aren't available until I can remake the templates. The only items available at the moment are all recolors, holos, and 5D's Boosters.


Items By Dark Rose Are Being Improved - Fully New 5D's & Standard Booster Templates


The Crossroads of Chaos booster in the 5D's booster examples is a replica booster.


No Order Form Use, NO SERVICE!


[spoiler=Workers & Their TOP QUALITY Items][spoiler=Dark Rose's Top Quality Items]

[spoiler=Booster Packs]

Standard Boosters (4 Points)






5D's Boosters (4 Points)




Classic-Style Boosters (3 Points)




Duelist Packs (COMING SOON)


Premium Packs (COMING SOON)


[spoiler=[size=x-large]Order Forms[/size]]

[spoiler=Standard Boosters]

BG Color:

Booster Name:

Render Or Image:

Booster Name Color:

Arcane Glow Color:


[spoiler=5D's Boosters]

Render Or Image:

Booster Name:

Sparkle (Yes/no):

Sparke Color (If Yes):

BG Color:

Booster Name Color:


[spoiler=Classic-Style Boosters]

BG Color:

Render Or Image In BG:

Booster Name And Color:





Structure Decks (6 Points)



[spoiler=Order Form]

Card Shown:

BG Color:

Deck Name:



Starter Decks (COMING SOON)


Duelist Decks (COMING SOON)


[spoiler=Professional Advanced Holos]

[spoiler=[size=x-large]ORDER FORM FOR ALL HOLOS[/size]]

NOTE: When ordering items with custom names, provide a white-named card for top quality!

Type Of Holo:




Prismatic Secret Rares (3 points)




Secret Rares (3 points)




Ghost Rares (3 points)




Gold Rares (3 Points)




Ultra Rares (2 Points)




Custom Ultimate Rares(4 Points)




[spoiler=Name Revamps]

Silver Name Revamps (2 points)



[spoiler=Order Form]

Shiny Or Less Shiny:




[spoiler=Dark Synchros & Recolors]

Dark Synchros (4 points)




Card Recolors (3 points)




Fully Custom Tokens (1 point)

[spoiler=Examples] TokenMega.png


[spoiler=Order Form For Both Above Items]

Recolor,Dark Synchro, Or Token:

Color (If Recolor):

Level (If Dark Synchro):

Card or Card Image (If Token):




[spoiler=Tag Maker Employees (2)][spoiler=Hope's Top Quality Services]

[spoiler=Graphics Desgining]

Tags (5-10 Points)






[spoiler=Disturbed064's Top Quality Services]

[spoiler=Graphics Designing]Tags(5-15 Points)





[spoiler=Order Form For Tags]

Desired Worker:



Text Color:







*No Spamming

*No Flaming

*NO Stealing

*DON'T Ask When Your Order Is Completed (If You Do, Your Order Will Be Denied)



[spoiler=News & Updates]

Nothing Right Now.



[spoiler=Ban List]




[spoiler=To-Pay List]










I Have Updated My Shop. You May Now Order Once Again.

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  • Replies 111
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OMG!!!!!!! Why the h*** do you keep making new shops??????? I am seriously thinking about reporting all this, you are making so many shops that it is almost spam! Make one, and make it stay open!, Do you really think that the name will affect how many customers your shops get? I don't think so! I could give you a reason why your shops aren't succesful, but you'd probably just get all mad at me and go nuts, so I won't. I suppose I should wish you luck, but I won't.


And BTW you've nabbed those category ideas from Booster Zone.

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What are you talking about. Dark Rose would not make more then one shop. She closes the one she has because of stuff like this. when you say nonsense like what you are saying and just talk, it turns from a shop to a chatterbox area, and no one wants to buy from there understand. So now Dark Rose is probably going to lock this one and make yet another shop. (I see nothing wrong with that, as long as the old one is closed, and locked.)


BTW Dark Rose is my booster pack done?

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like JG said,you just close a shop and make a new one,your new one only sells some extra things from the old store,these categories is taken straight from the booster zone,this is like your 4th shop already,if your just going to close a shop because of no customers,then i don't think opening a new shop with a different name selling a little bit more things would be better than changing the name of the thread and adding the new things to it.

it's fairly obvious that booster presentation was an attempt to copy chaotix® but much worse.

before you close a store just to open a new one,i suggest you ask yourself why you didn't get enough customers.

will adding booster presentations,shop layout like the booster zone,5ds boosters,smudge sigs,and a new name help me get more customers?

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um.. Don't post here unless you're either ordering or discussing a business deal. I'm about to get really pissed.


Also, I got the category idea from it, but only because it organizes much better. Everything else is just my thought up idea. Moneypony, you're really getting on my nerves.



Moneypony, you're banned from my shop. I'm tired of you pointlessly trying to put me down.


The booster presentation is not just an attempt to copy Chaotix®'s Item.

I made my own version because I figured it'd be a good item to add.

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Why hello again Dark Rose!

I would like a Secret Rare done on both these cards please, if possible. I will pay you when they're done since in one of you're previous, The Golden Thorn, I payed and never recieved my order! (Cards are listed in the spoiler below).




Once again, Thanks,


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First of all Dark Rose stop making continuos threads just edit the first thread and change the name because this is just becoming spam. And Gamekrazzy Dark Rose is a he stop sticking up for someone if you dont know whats right, making continuos threads is just spam. Last of all you've pretty much copied Chaotix's shop fully and that ony shows us you are uncreative and cannot think for yourself. I am not flamin you if thats what you think but seriously you should try thinking of your own ideas for once.

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First of all Dark Rose stop making continuos threads just edit the first thread and change the name because this is just becoming spam. And Gamekrazzy Dark Rose is a he stop sticking up for someone if you dont know whats right' date=' making continuos threads is just spam. Last of all you've pretty much copied Chaotix's shop fully and that ony shows us you are uncreative and cannot think for yourself. I am not flamin you if thats what you think but seriously you should try thinking of your own ideas for once.


>.< Now I'm pissed. I liked Chaotix®'s shop idea. The only items I had an idea from his are my card and booster presentations. Don't post again unless you're ordering.

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are you gonna make any orders or will you close this shop?.because if that's the case then you should close it,it doesn't matter what people thinks maybe even me,but anyway if you really want to do boosters and all that just make them if not then close this shop

and whats up with my order?and the requests in the image gallery?

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