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Republic Commando: Season 2: Together we stand|PG-16|Started|


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John turned around and quickly discussed with a Clone, who handed him a note. John scanned it quickly, then turned to one of the group.


"Uhhh...Blockade. We have news...the one you call Hun is ok...something like that." John passed the note to Blockade, then turned to Freeman.


"No sir. We have checked, double checked, and triple checked. We have security privaleges to let these two on board, with security protocals that are far beyond your level..." John stopped as he realised he was ranting on. "Anyway, in a nutshell, they're allowed to be on this ship with their weapons in hand if so needed and/or necessary."

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OoC: Not that I'm aware of. o.O




"Very well sir, I'll stick to...layman's terms. Anyhow, I'm Alpha-1779, or, John to my close friends and soldiers sir. Of course, you can call me that, considering your higher rank. I am only a Captain, whereas you are obviously far beyond the likes of me." John made a stiffened bow, and his back clicked, although he didn't react to it.

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OOC: Lol, i'm a situation. ;)


BLockade: Wait, she's gonna be okay?? Are you sure; you triple-checked EVERYTHING?! *the clone nods* Thank god...


He sighs, and Rokujo returns his pistols. However, Blockade still had an expression of curiosity and anger on his un-helmeted face.


Blockade: Wait, that doesn't changed anything. Zero, if it wasn't any of us, than wh otook a slice out of Hun...?!

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