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Republic Commando: Season 2: Together we stand|PG-16|Started|


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OOC: No problem. Forgot to mention, my loyal, brawny clone-friend since my days in cloning, Ironworks, is with me.


Blockade: Allow me!! This b*tch is dead.


He and Iron keep running. The girl stops and releases her lightsaber, flooding the black hall with orange light.


???: Nighty-night, clone scum!! Hehehe!!


She shoved the blade into the metal wall of the hallway, and tore a circle into it. Blockade prepares to pull his weapon, but she was too quick. She kicked out the little door, and lept from the ship.


Blockade: Noooo!! Get back here and fight!!


He ran up and looked out the hole, only to see her in one of the ships many hangars. She kills a pilot and his crew, and then hijacks one of the vessels. Blockade slips through, still chasing her.


Blockade: Dammit!! No!!


But it was too late. She was already in control, the ship hovering in place. It sped to life, and then shot from the hangar. Blockade fell to his knees, and Iron came to his side, offering him a hand.

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Suddenly, an alarm sounded. The ship began to shake, and felt to be preparing for take-off.


Blockade: What the hell is going-WOAH!!


The three, and the dead crew, were thrown to the back of the hangar. It felt like the ship was jumping into a more violent hyper-space. Blockade tried to speak, though his mouth was pushed back because of the gravity.


Blockade: Wha tthe hell are those geniuses doing up there?! They're gonna kill us!!


OOC: Yeah, it isn't really what hyper-space is like. But it's pretty cool here. We need Revan, though!! I can't godmod the ship.

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