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Republic Commando: Season 2: Together we stand|PG-16|Started|


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Well, the first kind of ended, so let's start a second!

Story: 2 years have passed since the clones defied order 66, and have escaped. It is relatively calm for them, but the empire has decided to eliminate them. They have sent numerous assassins after them, and must now escape again.




No godmod


New Features!: May have MAX 2 characters. 2nd character may be anything. Another clone, the characters best friend, character's love interest. Anything.



Republic Commando

ARC Trooper

Clone Commander

Clone Trooper(Standard)





DC-17 Pistol


Verpine Shatter Rifle

E-Web Portable Blaster Turret

Lightsaber(Jedi only)


Others coming soon


Serial Code rules:

Commando must have RC at beginning

ARC must have Alpha at beginning

Troopers must have T at beginning

Commanders must have C at beginning




Serial Code(ex. RC(Republic Commando)-1305)(If clone):

Nickname(or if jedi, Name):

Class(if clone):






[spoiler=*Me*]Serial Code:RC-1300

Nickname: Zero

Class: Commando

Weapon: DC-17

Bio: Was the first to defy order 66, a clone commando who had developed close bonds with many jedi




Name: Sola Camil

Class: Jedi

Weapon: Lightsaber

Bio: She and Zero met on a mission during the clone wars, and soon fell in love.





1st Character:


Serial Code(ex. RC(Republic Commando)-1305)(If clone): RC-0013

Nickname(or if jedi, Name): Rokujo

Class(if clone): Republic Commando

Weapon: Lightsaber and DC-17


Rokujo has been two years Jedi Training, and since then, he has not seen Eureka for that time period. He has been trying to find her, but he can't find her at every planet, except for one, where the Enemy resides, which he hopes that she is just a prisoner and nothing else.




2nd Character:


Serial Code(ex. RC(Republic Commando)-1305)(If clone): RC-0001

Nickname(or if jedi, Name): Eureka

Class(if clone): Republic Commando

Weapon: Lightsaber and DC-17

Bio: Not much is known about her.


Close as I can get it:




[spoiler=freeman43]Serial Code(ex. RC(Republic Commando)-1305)(If clone):C-1701

Nickname(or if jedi, Name):Freeman

Class(if clone):Commanders

Weapon: DC-15

Bio: As the Empire rose to power and the rebellion barely began, on the planet of Kamino there was started a new breed of trooper. All in an attempt to stop the Empire and bring back the Republic. That’s where i was born, but i am not the same as the Empire's storm troopers the we where not made from the same person but twelve different bounty hunters and Jedi. Am lucky that i am human but unfortunately i do not have the powers of my Jedi counter part, which i will never know. Before Kamino was invaded by the Empire i left with several of my brothers and cosines to Nal'hutta there i was shipped again to the so-called Trooper Rebels that defied order 66 i may be new but i am different.



[spoiler=Kylarnatia]Serial Code(ex. RC(Republic Commando)-1305)(If clone): RC-0215

Nickname(or if jedi, Name): Kylarnatia

Class(if clone): Republic Commando

Weapon: Verpine Shatter Rifle

Bio: Kylarnatia Has A Great Battle Style, And Other Then That Nobody Knows Much About Him

Appearance(Optional): Black Hair, Scar Across One Eye And Very Tall



Character 1:

Serial Code: C-417

Nickname: Commander Katora

Class: Clone Commander

Weapon: DC-15

Bio: Commander of the 417th Special Operations Desert Group, Katora was under command of Jedi Master Nuasa Sim' when Order 66 was executed. Him and his commandos did followed their orders and abandoned Republic Space forever, but now they're back.

Appearance(Optional): Normal MKII clone suit, but with green and black stripe going down center and cape.


Character 2:

Serial Code: RC-1128

Nickname: Falke

Class(if clone): Republic Commando

Weapon: DC-17

Bio: Secondary leader of the 417th, Heavy Low chooses to stay in the front lines of each battle and see it through. He is very stubborn sometimes and does not know when to end his battles.

Appearance(Optional): Like a shock trooper, but with green instead of red.



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Not yet, anyway, here is my form:


1st Character:


Serial Code(ex. RC(Republic Commando)-1305)(If clone): RC-0013

Nickname(or if jedi, Name): Rokujo

Class(if clone): Republic Commando

Weapon: Lightsaber and The Weapons a RC carries, (Forgot which ones they carry)


Rokujo has been two years Jedi Training, and since then, he has not seen Eureka for that time period. He has been trying to find her, but he can't find her at every planet, except for one, where the Enemy resides, which he hopes that she is just a prisoner and nothing else.




2nd Character:


Serial Code(ex. RC(Republic Commando)-1305)(If clone): RC-0001

Nickname(or if jedi, Name): Eureka

Class(if clone): Republic Commando

Weapon: Lightsaber and whatever RC carries.

Bio: Not much is known about her.


Close as I can get it:


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Serial Code(ex. RC(Republic Commando)-1305)(If clone):C-1701

Nickname(or if jedi, Name):Freeman

Class(if clone):Commanders

Weapon: DC-15

Bio: As the Empire rose to power and the rebellion barely began, on the planet of Kamino there was started a new breed of trooper. All in an attempt to stop the Empire and bring back the Republic. That’s where i was born, but i am not the same as the Empire's storm troopers the we where not made from the same person but twelve different bounty hunters and Jedi. Am lucky that i am human but unfortunately i do not have the powers of my Jedi counter part, which i will never know. Before Kamino was invaded by the Empire i left with several of my brothers and cosines to Nal'hutta there i was shipped again to the so-called Trooper Rebels that defied order 66 i may be new but i am different.


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1st Character:


Serial Code(ex. RC(Republic Commando)-1305)(If clone): RC-0215

Nickname(or if jedi, Name): Kylarnatia

Class(if clone): Republic Commando

Weapon: Verpine Shatter Rifle

Bio: Kylarnatia Has A Great Battle Style, And Other Then That Nobody Knows Much About Him

Appearance(Optional): Black Hair, Scar Across One Eye And Very Tall

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Character 1:

Serial Code: C-417

Nickname: Commander Katora

Class: Clone Commander

Weapon: DC-15

Bio: Commander of the 417th Special Operations Desert Group, Katora was under command of Jedi Master Nuasa Sim' when Order 66 was executed. Him and his commandos did followed their orders and abandoned Republic Space forever, but now they're back.

Appearance(Optional): Normal MKII clone suit, but with green and black stripe going down center and cape.


Character 2:

Serial Code: RC-1128

Nickname: Falke

Class(if clone): Republic Commando

Weapon: DC-17

Bio: Secondary leader of the 417th, Heavy Low chooses to stay in the front lines of each battle and see it through. He is very stubborn sometimes and does not know when to end his battles.

Appearance(Optional): Like a shock trooper, but with green instead of red.

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The sewers of Coruscant were deep, dark, and damp. Katora's silenced footsteps made no sound as he crawled over to a ladder. "This is where we go up, there are ships up here." Katora climbed up, his troops following. The minute they got up, he noticed a few imperial officers. "Take them out, quietly." Falke snuck around the imperial soldiers, taking them out one by one with a silenced pistol. Falke looked back and nodded, climbing into a ship. "Let's go." Katora said, and they climbed inside the ship, headed for Dantooine.

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