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The Beyond| Need a Sig?| New Brushes and Fonts Added| Video Trailer Item Coming SOON!


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Color Scheme: gold and red

Neon Ring Color: gold

Arcane Circle Color: none

Size: 480 x 110

Other: please make it look good; paying 100 points if it was awsoume

Border: (Optional) no

Render: (Optional) please don't include the logo of the renderer in the bottom left of the pic (its not that hard anyway)

url: http://i43.tinypic.com/2zp0gb6.png

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Name/Text:Convergence of the Zodiac

Color Scheme:Red background/If posible Black Charaters

Neon Ring Color: (Optional)Gray

Arcane Circle Color: (Optional)none


Other: (Any additional info)If you could get a Red Background with black chinese charaters going across and then pegusus in te conner with the text next him ill pay 3 points cause its so big k

Border: (Optional)none

thx again


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Aloi95, sense you've been banned your order is canceled. Try ordering next month, its a new rule that keeps me from having to do orders for people who don't follow rules. Sorry :(


As for everyone else, GIMP is working again so expect PM's from me soon. Also the Video Item is coming along nicely. In addition to that item Video tuts will also start to become available, but give me more time.

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Aloi95' date=' sense you've been banned your order is canceled. Try ordering next month, its a new rule that keeps me from having to do orders for people who don't follow rules. Sorry :(


As for everyone else, GIMP is working again so expect PM's from me soon. Also the Video Item is coming along nicely. In addition to that item Video tuts will also start to become available, but give me more time.


Alright, still PM me when you get it done (The Video thing)

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