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The Beyond| Need a Sig?| New Brushes and Fonts Added| Video Trailer Item Coming SOON!


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Name/Text:For God so loved us, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believe in him may not die, but may have eternal life.

Color Scheme:Blood Red

Neon Ring Color: (Optional)no

Arcane Circle Color: (Optional)yes


Other: (Any additional info)n/a

Border: (Optional)none

Render: (Optional) http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-10273

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Okay the shop pretty much died while I was away. I know I said things would get done but due to me being the ONLY worker in the shop with such large orders form time-to-time you can see how I get behind.


Starting fresh, I'll take 3 orders a day. If I feel I can handle more then I'll do so. I Gurentee that this time I'll stay on top of things.


The Video Item will be on hold until I can get the right video editing tool (Windows Movie Maker sucks). Hopefully the end of the month is when I'll have a full working demo. If its well received then the item will be in the shop.


Again I apologize for lost promises and inconvince, but Im trying to get it together. Alright now let shop orders flow in :)



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