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Yu Gi Oh! Role Play: The Future Academy! |Ended| |Lock, NAO!|

Chaotic Angel

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Name:Kaisen Horigama




Gender: male


Good/Neutral/Evil: Evil


appearance:Looks like Fujiwara in the Darkness mask


Biography:Now the user of the Clear monsters. Because of Fujiwara owning the clear cards Kaisen was transformed into his appearance and must always wear the Mask of Darkness to wield the evil Clear monsters





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Miranda sat, doodling on a piece of paper. She looked around for Rokujo. Where was he? She sighed and looked around the classroom. Two Ra Yellow's sat next to eachother, one fast asleep. The other was staring at two of his cards, which, by some trick of the light, were emitting a faint white glow. Agas had cut herself on her scissors and was plastering up the wound, and Rokujo was nowhere to be seen. She sighed, then thought to herself.


Why was she so worried about him?


And her cheeks went rosy red.

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