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Yu Gi Oh! Role Play: The Future Academy! |Ended| |Lock, NAO!|

Chaotic Angel

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OoC: Ok. :3


IC: Miranda burst through the Duel Arena doors. Not to her surprise, Rokujo was there. He turned, and she saw the Seal on his forehead. She gasped, then ran forward to him. She was about to touch him when a barrier forced her backwards, through the air, then into the wall. She hit the wall and the breath was sucked out of her, and she collapsed, unconscious.


OoC: If anyone' up to it, read my new fan-fic. :3


Linky in my sig.

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Kim: my turn. i draw. i'll summon Soki- Skilled knight 182482yp1.jpg but i'll remove him from play to special summon Soki- Oni warrior 182482rv6.jpg and i'll activate my face down Last Oni Standing 182482ow7.jpg and equip it to Soki now he'll attack Zombie turtle. i'll place one card face down and end my turn.


Kim: 8000

Rokujo: 6500

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OoC: I guess it is safe to say that he is now an insane heartless controlled demon.



Rokujo: Draw. Pay another 500 Life Points, and play, Pot of Greed. I activate Zombie Masters effect again, by discarding one monster form my hand, I Special Summon Pyramid Turtle. Now, Ryu Kokki, attack Soki - Oni Warrior. Turn end.


Rokujo: 7000

Kim: 7800

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Kim: my turn. i draw and i'll activate the trap cursing enchantment 182482sd1.jpg i discard a Fairy-type monster (Dark Sword Angel) and select the atribute as dark. but i'll tribute one of my face down monsters and cursing enchantment to special summon Enchanting Fairy 182482dz8.jpg in defense position and i choose the atrribute as Dark. i end my turn there


Kim: 7800

Rokujo: 7000

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Bela had been tailing the guy who'd left the cave for some time now and was now listening to the conversation he was having with some Blue girl named Agas. After listening to them talk Bela left the dorm as fast as he could and then slowed down to think on the way back to the slifer red dorm. He said something about Orichalcos, what was that again? Bela pondered I know tat I read about them before, but I just don't remember where. Bela shook his head bah, this can wait till tomorrow, when the girl will use it herself.

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