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Yu Gi Oh! Role Play: The Future Academy! |Ended| |Lock, NAO!|

Chaotic Angel

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Yay! 1st Yu Gi Oh RP! Anyway, plot's coming! This takes place JUST before 5D's started.


Plot: You are a duelist encountered by a few Shadow Riders, do you have the power to fend them off and defeat them?




1. No Spamming!


2. No Godmodding.


3. Don't make your cards overpowered unless you have the reason why.


4. When the RP starts, you can PM me your application if you wanna join without being invited.


5. I will put you in a dorm if you selected "Good". If you selected "Neutral" like I have, I will put you in ANY position.


6. ONLY the people who are invited are allowed to post thier applications here.


7. Don't steal people's ideas, this will lead to being dropped out AUTOMATICALLY. Also you will recieve 3 neg reps from me.


8. If you are stuck, don't ask where we are, just look at the previous post!


Any of these rules broken will receive 2 neg reps and if you are already in this RP, you will be dropped out. If you break Rule 7, you will automatically be dropped out AND given 3 neg reps.





[spoiler=Application Form:]

















[spoiler=Deck Recipes (Up to 10):]














7. (Optional)


8. (Optional)


9. (Optional)


10. (Optional)







[spoiler=Here's mine!]

Name: Ron


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Good/Neutral/Evil: Neutral


Appearance: Black hair, Fringe, Braces


Biography: Ron is pretty much a nice person, but joined the Shadow Riders so he can carry on his career. But can you stop him?


Height: 160.48 cm


Weight: 91.8 lbs


[spoiler=Deck Recipes (Up to 10):]


1. Basic Creation


2. Online Creation


3. Tag Force


4. New Creation


5. Future Creation


6. King of Creations


7. Extreme Creation


8. Master Creation


9. Revenge of The One Winged Angel


10. Curse of The One Winged Angel









[spoiler=Slifer Red:]

1. Cay Brendan (Yoshigohan)


2. Omar (kingduel1)


3. Craz (badstinky)


4. Snowball (PremierAameer)


5. Bela Takzo (Cardmaker288)


6. Jay (Sbaile)













[spoiler=Ra Yellow:]

1. Don Silvermoon (Wolfy Eddy)


2. Brandon (galesonic)


3. Chris (SuperVegeta258)


4. Cloud (alexdag!7890)

















[spoiler=Obelisk Blue: (CLOSED!)]

1. Rokujo Miharu (Enrise)


2. Miranda Stevens (Snitch)


3. TJ (shadowchidori525)


4. Agas (¦Kylarnatias Soul¦)


5. Takashi Kiryu (Ancient Gear)


6. Dark (God_Kage)


7. Kim (galesonic)


8. Nicholas Prodigy (Angelic Champion)


9. Yuki Prodigy (Angelic Champion)


10. Kai (mooth)





[spoiler=Shadow Riders: (CLOSED!)]

1. Ron (Angelic Champion)


2. Evin Jones (asuma181)


3. Tucker Grissome (HyuugaKing)


4. Kaisen Horigama (lycanthrope-volf)


5. Mandel (4tutoralcom)






Position or Application changes will cost 10 points!


[spoiler=Waiting List:]







This RP will start as soon as Shinigami's Wrath (Bleach RP) finishes.

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Name:Cay Brendan








Appearance:Blonde Hair, T-Shirt, Shorts, Sneakers, Basic kid appearance


Biography:A young duelist who joined because he came from a long line of duelists who went there


Height:158.45 cm


Weight:132 lbs


1.Dark Magician's Force


2.Power of the Mukas


3.Crystal Beast Rampage


4.Exodian Judgement


5.Summoner of the Warrior Knights


6.Ryu-Kishins The Fiend Warriors


7. (Optional)


8. (Optional)


9. (Optional)


10. (Optional)

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Haven't joined a YuGiOh RP in a long time, mainly because people always do stuff that may be overpowered because they just suddenly pull out a card that will be in favor of them, but I guess I can give a second chance.




Name: Rokujo Miharu


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Good/Neutral/Evil: Good





Rokujo is sometimes called, "Forsaken Duelist". He is called this because his cards are always dealing with Dark and Light at the same time. He also one of the, if not, best duelist(s) in his dorm.

Height: 165.13 cm


Weight: 95 lbs.


[spoiler=Deck Recipes:]

1. Forsaken Death


2. Sky Scourge


3. Destructive Blaze


4. Earth's Revenge


5. Gaseous Wind


6. Pioson Girl


7. Immortal Water


8. Sacred Death


9. Fortress of Demons


10. Dragons: New meets Old



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Name: Don Silvermoon

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Good/Neutral/Evil: Neutral

Appearance: Black shirt, jeans, and a leather jaket. Blue eyes, black hair, slighly pale.

Biography: Just a normal kid who found a made a couple of decks.

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 146


1. Crystal Catastrophe

2. Water Castle

3. Burning Bright

4. Chaos Destruction

5. Return from the Dead

6. Synchornized Warriors

7. Ban'yuu Oblivion

8. Wolf World

9. New Contact


(Note: Are all cards legal and can we use our own written cards?)

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I'm gonna try RPing as a girl. xD




Name: Miranda Stevens


Age: 14


Gender: Female


Good/Neutral/Evil: Good


Appearance: earth_girl_by_Amuria.jpg


Biography: One of the only major league female duelists, Miranda grew up being teased by others by loving her hobby of Yu-gi-oh!. Eventually tired of their teasings, she moved from her small town to a wider Yu-gi-oh! playing area. She now is ready to test her skills in higher leagues and levels.


Height: 5'1


Weight: 105 lbs.


Deck Recipes


1. Blazing Lockdown

2. Howl of the Wolf

3. Swollen in the Darkness

4. Ancient Gear Mechanism

5. Blast from the Dark World

6. Shadowy Resigns

7. Forces of Light and Dark

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