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My first ever "LV" cards and Synchro


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Here ya go!


LV Monsters:




LV Monster Effects:


Borthobov LV 6's Effect: This card's other type is treated as Fiend.

When you declare an attack with this card, increase this card's ATK by 400 until the end of your Battle Phase. If this card destroys a monster during your Battle Phase, select another card your opponent controls and destroy that card also. (If it's a Monster Card, don't apply Damage Calculation.) If you do this, you offer this card as a tribute and you may Special Summon "Borthobov LV. 8 from your hand onto your side of the field in any position.


Borthobov LV 8's Effect: This card's other type is treated as Fiend.

Whenever you declare an attack with any of your monsters and you destroy a monster during your Battle Phase, increase this card's ATK by 400 per each destroyed monster in this way. When you declare an attack with this card and you successfully destroy a monster, instead of that card being sent to the Graveyard, it is removed from the duel immediately, then your opponent discards his or her hand to the Graveyard.



Synchro/Tuner Monsters:




Synchro Effects:


Galderox Silverum's Effect: "Panzerex" + "Crescentglade" + "1 or more Tuner Monsters"

This card cannot be Special Summoned. If you declare an attack with this card and you successfully destroy a monster, pay 1000 Life Points and destroy a number of Monsters equal to the amount of cards that are in your Graveyard, if your opponent doesn't have the same amount of Monsters on his or her side of the field equal to the number of Cards in your Graveyard, then your Opponent must remove cards from his or her deck continuing from the count of this card's Effect. If this card is destroyed or removed from play by an Effect of a Effect Monster, Spell, or Trap Card, take all of the Synchro Material Cards used to Summon this card and Special Summon them onto your side of the field in face up DEF position.


Iridivia's Effect: "Asshimar" + "2 Tuner Monsters"

This card cannot be Special Summoned. Whenever you switch this card's position, your opponent's monsters are switched to DEF mode and your opponent cannot switch the position of those monsters for the rest of the game, if your opponent Summons a new monster, that monster also stays in DEF mode for the rest of the game, then you may gain +900 Life Points per DEF position monster your opponent controls. If this card is destroyed or removed from play by an Effect of a Effect Monster, Spell, or Trap Card, take all of the Synchro Material Cards used to Summon this card and Special Summon them onto your side of the field in face up DEF position.


Holyius's Effect: "3 Machine-Type Tuner Monsters" + "1 or more Non-Tuner Machine Type Monster(s)"

This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is sucessfully Summoned, you gain 8000 Life Points and your monsters cannot be affected by attack, effects of Effect Monsters, Spell, and Trap Cards as long as this card remains faced up on your side of the field. If this card destroys a monster during a Battle Phase, you gain +1000 Life Points. If this card is destroyed or removed from play by an Effect of a Effect Monster, Spell, or Trap Card, take all of the Synchro Material Cards used to Summon this card and Special Summon them onto your side of the field in face up DEF position.



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