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My Turnament Leagle "Fog Creator" deck (zombie deck)

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1X Partrican of darkness

1X Red eyes Zombie dragon

1X the creator

3X Prymid Turtle

2X Ryu Kokki

2X Zombie master

1X pladen of the cursed dragon

1X Fog King

1X Malvent mech - goku en

2X royal keeper

1X the creator incarnate


1X shrink

1X Zombie World

1X axe of despare

1X Ribbin of reberth

1X creature swap

1X Monster reborn

1X soul taker

1X Book of life

1X level limit area B

3X Call of the mummy

1X Pot of avarice


2X simulatanous loss

2X dust tonado

1X Super Junuor Confrontation

1X dimension Wall

1X torrential Tribute

1X a rival apperears!

1X The Paths of Destniny

1X Assault on GHQ

1X Scrap Iron Scarecrow

,please rate

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