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Zombie Deck


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Red Eyes Zombie Dragon X2

Malevelont Mech Goku En X2

Paladin Of the Cursed Dragon

Pyrimid Turtle X3

Spirit reaper

Marionette Mite

Plague Wolf

Zombie Master X3

Getsu Fuhma

Il Bud

Red Ogre

Lady in Wight



Smashing Ground

Lightning Vortex

Mystical Space Typhoon

Call of the mummy

Zombie World X2

Cold Wave X2

Magical Stone Excavation

Card Of Safe Return X2

Book of Life X3

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Allure Of Darkness



Bottemless Trap Hole X3

Torriential Tribute

Tutan Mask

Call of the Mummy


Please don't just ask me to add Mezuki or goblin Zombie cause i have niether but i would like to trade for them.

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You're doing it wrong.


Even with 2 Zombie World Struture Decks it is sorta possible to make a half decent Zombie Deck.


Monsters: 19


1x Il Blud

2x Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon

2x Ryu Kokki

2x Malevolent Mech - Goku En

2x Gernia

3x Zombie Master

3x Paladin of Cursed Dragon

3x Pyramid Turtle

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells: 17


1x Allure of Darkness (assuming this is IRL and you have 1 Allure)

2x Card of Safe Return

2x Zombie World

3x Book of Life

3x Shrink

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Smashing Ground

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Terraforming


Traps: 4


1x Torrential Tribute

3x Bottomless Trap Hole


It shouldnt be too hard to build this.

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Synchros, Plaguespreader Zombies, Mezuki, Goblin Zombie, nothing no one else would tell you. I realize those cards are all expensive and hard to get so if you can get them, get them. Also 2 more Allure of Darkness and maybe 2 Burial from a Different Dimension. Again, expensive but if you can get them, get them. Armageddon Knight is also a worthwhile addition since it can dump a REZD as well as Foolish Burial to dump a Mezuki. Mezuki basically turns Foolish Burial into a type-specific and restricted Monster Reborn.

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