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YCM Writers Association


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Hello there. I am Felgrand The Dominator. This is my club for wich the members write about whatever they want, and talk about anything they want. The club rules are as follows:

1) Follow all YCM standard rules.

2) In this club you may not write a story that is two snetences long, etc. etc.

3) To join this club PM me with your club name, whether you would like the benefits package, and what job you would like.

4) Any member who I think will not stay active will not be accepted.


Main writer for main stories - Me

Main Story Help 1 -

Main Story Help 2 -

Short Story writer -

Short Story Helper 1 -

Short Story Helper 2 -

Plot Director -

Backround Information Researcher -

(Other jobs that you deem nescceary)

Benefits Package

1) By paying 50 points you may gain access to all jobs and will be able to help me oversee the other jobs if they are being done correctly.

2) You will recieve 1 point back from the total 50 you payed everyday you do your job and will be able to assist me in all further club activities.


1) Conker99







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