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My Naruto card.


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Naruto is a wind attribute.


Why do people make like fire or light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


b/c he has the nine-tails demon inside him, and also b/c he hails from the village hidden in the leaves (most of their ninja use fire-style technique ninjutsu) its really up to the effect of the card that is made on this site.

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Make the type Warrior, not ninja. Pic could be better but every pic of Naruto has been used here. When quoting other cards pu them in quotes eg 'Sasuke' or 'Sakura'. Instead of 'he', put 'this card'.

Also, they have mentioned Naruto's wind element in the anime. Yamato went over training with him about it in a recent episode.

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Naruto is a wind attribute.


Why do people make like fire or light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

light because he's a good guy


But in the manga it is shown that he is a wind attibute:



Read this and then try in argue




Read this and Naruto is an idiot please. I don't care if he is good. He almost killed Sukura doesn't that put hole in your logic.

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