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True Power Unleashed

Yuri Shayk

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Complimates of Marvel and Google images.



(incase you cant see effect)


This card cannot be normal summond or set. This card can only be special summond by removing from play three monsters with 3000 ATK or more. This card is inifected by monster, spell and trap effect and cannot be destroyed in battle. When this card attacks a monster, increse this cards ATK and DEF equal to half the ATK of the monster selected. You may sacrifice life points to increase this cards ATK and DEF equal to the amount of life points sacrificed (limit 1500).




This card ca only be equipped to "Thor: Mighty God of Thunder". When equipped pay half your life points. Increase the selected monster's ATK and DEF to infinity. The selected monster cannot attack until after five turns after this cards activation. If this card is equipped to "Thor: Mighty God of Thunder" and is destroyed, Negate its effect and destroy both cards. If there is five monsters with 3000 ATK or DEF in your gravyard, this card cannot be destroyed by any effect. After five turns, the selected monster has to attack and when it does you win the duel.


What do you think? rate 1-10 plz

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Thors Effect:

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summond except by removing from play 3 monsters with 3000 ATK or more. This card is unaffected by the effects of Spell, Trap, and Effect Monster Cards. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. When this card attacks a monster, increase this cards ATK and DEF equal to half of the ATK of the attacked monster. You can pay 1500 or less Life Points to increase this cards ATK and DEF equal to the amount of Life Points you payed.

4/10 ehh...not that good look at the ocg thread please

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