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Action Movie Writer People...Yeah

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This is for all the people who joined before. Before spammers/noobs come here, YOU CAN'T JOIN THIS UNLESS YOU JOINED IN THE PREVIOUS THREAD!


We'll need some characters, a setting, and a basic idea before we can start this movie. Here's some of my ideas.


[spoiler=Dustin's Ideas]


Alexander Ravane



Universal Studios Backlot




Anyone who post their ideas will be added, and then we can decide on everything so we can start this 5-star-movie-to-be! =D

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Lets set this to actual times.

If its action, there should be many settings.


Major cities - Tokyo, New York, London.

Small town villages were all action happens :D - Botswana, Belize, Jamaica


As for character, there needs to be a hot lady that needs to go to the bad side, :wink:.


And also a bald old guy to be the chief of the agency the good guy works for. The ussual.

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