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Hunting - For or Against?


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Pro, and I'm not gonna give the "Were more inteligent than the animals, so we can kill them" answer, nor the "They sometimes kill us, so we can kill them back to be fair" answer. Instead, I will say that hunting is an enjoyable sport, and the fact that we can means that we should be allowed to. Same thing goes for owning a firearm.

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No, unless it's hunting people!


I'm kind of the same as HB but i'm fine with fishing and killing as long as you don't kill tons and you don't use unorthadox methods.

Fish just swim into the arms of death so it's their fault really, but I do like fish.


BUT I really hate when farm animals etc like pigs and chickens are kept in a big warehouse having to stand on bars, never being able to turn, never seeing the light of day.

I buy my chickens from places like that and they are terrified of most humans.[/align]

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