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chris watched as josepth retreated. Chris said men pack up lets go play game. They packed up their stuff got into the helicopter and followed joseph. Chris pulled out a tracker and threw it on josepth and inside the tracker was a deadly bomb that could wipe out berniska. Joseph was under chrises control. With a death and a city at his hand waiting for a right time.

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Joseph scratched his neck, a bee must have stung him. Little did he know that the tracker was on him. "Who's chopper was that?" Joseph asked. The sniper looked through his scope, "Ours, sir." Joseph looked back at his computer, "All men, we need you to move back to Berniska street, all enemies are clear." The men moved back, continuing to the city center, they had 8 miles to go.

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Azzan and his men walked through the city of Damascus, the capital of Syria. They were dressed in normal civilian clothing and were heading to the capital building to blow it up. Luckily for them every single member of the Syrian government were attending a meeting inside the building, which meant that Azzan's job would be a lot easier. Azzan flipped open a manhole, looked around to see if anyone was watching told his men to get in. When they were all in, he jumped in after them.

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In the street that crosses the Berniska street, Ilija and his men armed up themselves, and moved out. Tactically setting and exploring the pat of the street they were in, Ilija and his companions got near the entrance into Berniska. "Jovan! Miloje! Snipe down any enemy you register atop those buildings around us. Half of us should cover our backs. Get bullpups ready!" Ilija ordered, and took his position.

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in berninska chris wkeept watch for any one and any thing that crossed beloe the building. One of chrise men came up to him and sya sir we have a group of people preparing to fire. Is it jospth chris said. No said the soilder its someone we dont know. Chris laughed and said well another player added to the game watch them if they even fire one bullet at us we will blow up the the whole city and its going to be some awsome fireworks.

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chris and his men were on the verge of deaf as they were hanging on to the building window and he fell. he was on the ground with little injuries he only had a pistol, 5 grenades and a machine gun and he was by himself mostley all his men was on the verge of dying or all ready dead. Chris said well looks like ill have to this misson bymyself chris took one of his mens SMGs and fnd blew up the tank he threw it to the ground and said ill distrack them while you call reninforcemints and you better promise the thing you promised me when you joined dont die on the job. Chris and 5 men scattered out chris saw josepth wlaking by and chris quikly hid in a trashcan. wen he passed chris found a copule assault rifles and hought of a plan chris quickly took the last SMG and fired it at the highest point in berninska and watched as josepths men got in all one place. IN a service tour chris said to the guy and sed do it and the service tower people planted a 90 mile virus that blocked all camunication and internet acces everything shut down . as he saw josepth iand his men in the middle he climbed the tallest building as jospth watched him he said you lose as he pressed the detanition device and chris jumped off the building and jacked a army jeep and drove away

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Joseph climbed into the helicopter. "Head back to Command Post B in the outskirts." The pilot nodded and they flew out there, leaving to recover a new plan. "I forgot my pack in the tank!" The helicopter told him they couldn't go back and that they had to go to the outskirts. Then the bomb inside the pack exploded. The tank covered a lot of the blast and it didn't hit Joseph as he flew towards the last command post. Minsk was ruined now, the capital was taken. When they reached the outskirts Joseph called out in a weak radio signal, "To all Russian troops in East Europa, Minsk is taken, Belarus is no man's land." In the next few days, Joseph and his men moved out of Belarus. By the time they left, DEFCON Alpha was established. Belarus was nuked.

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chris in the jeep heading in the outposts of berninska he used his phone that he found on the graound and said sir misson complete berninska is totally against the ground. the guy said out of phone are there survivors not that i now of im heading to take out the small compost station bymyself in the out skirts and the phone said not to get yourself killed

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The artillery was unpacked. Ilija ordered the men to fill up two army trucks, and the remaining ones to man the artillery. after that, they set up a formation to move out of Minsk. "We shall regroup with the Russians on the outskirts of Minsk." Ilija ordered to his men. They moved out safely, knowing there was no hope to retrieve the territories of Belarus...

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"I agree. We shall remain allied for many years, and..." Ilija said, but was interrupted in the middle of his sentence by the sounds of machineguns and grenades. "Quick! Take off! We need to fly away before they catch up on us!" he stated, and the pilot thrusted up the speed. All the choppers were filled up with the Russian/Serbian forces, leaving no allied unit on the ground before the takeoff.

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i almost got you then chrises jet was flashing red saying that theres Su-47 o his tail chris quickly manevered caught up with jospthopend the jet hatch and quickly entered the copter holiding up a pistol he said stop this copter now or die jospth pold out a gun and said you brought a knife to a gun fight he said then chris tackled jospth and both fell out of the copter into the desert floor

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