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My Sonic Deck!


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well the pics are good and stuff but they need backgrounds

OCG needs a lot of work i suggest looking at other cards to see how ocg is done

Magic-type, you kinda copied my Second Fake-type hahaha

also The demon pics are really from Deviantart so like put a link to the pics

i'm amazed that anyone who posted here and posted in my thread didn't realize that Magic-Type was copied of my cards lolz

anyway overall its ok

but it needs a lot of work


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well the pics are good and stuff but they need backgrounds

OCG needs a lot of work i suggest looking at other cards to see how ocg is done

Magic-type' date=' you kinda copied my Second Fake-type hahaha

also The demon pics are really from Deviantart so like put a link to the pics

i'm amazed that anyone who posted here and posted in my thread didn't realize that Magic-Type was copied of my cards lolz

anyway overall its ok

but it needs a lot of work




Sorry about the copy of your types but thanks to you I found this site!


By the way what is an OCG?


P.S The demons are not from devinart.

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OCG = Official Card Grammar <-- means if your card resembles a real YGO card

and i don't really mind that you used my Magic-type(actually you putting them there have no relation with the cards whatsoever)

and about the Demon Sonic pic that one can be found on DA - just type in the search bar "Demon Sonic" and you get the pic you got ^_^

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Why must you insult Sonic with this thread?

Pictures fail.

I can barly read anything on any card because it's written so badly.

You lack basic grammar skills.

Stop inventing new types, it makes the card look even more horrible than it already is. That's really saying something.

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OCG = Official Card Grammar <-- means if your card resembles a real YGO card

and i don't really mind that you used my Magic-type(actually you putting them there have no relation with the cards whatsoever)

and about the Demon Sonic pic that one can be found on DA - just type in the search bar "Demon Sonic" and you get the pic you got ^_^


Sorry never been to DA

Why must you insult Sonic with this thread?

Pictures fail.

I can barly read anything on any card because it's written so badly.

You lack basic grammar skills.

Stop inventing new types' date=' it makes the card look even more horrible than it already is. That's really saying something.



Shut Up I Love Sonic!

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TAILS DOLL AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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