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A message for Sartorius


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I could be a lot worse though ^^;;


Also, I forgot to add that I have experience in forums. I used to own one with a domain - TheDuelist.net, but sadly that failed due to lack of members. Although we did have nearly 100. The user Mare could tell you that I was a good Admin and sorted problems out quickly and efficiently. I would be good as a mod, parhaps only in TCG, as I know what I'm talking about and I have experience being an Admin.


But seriously, I'll try to cut down on the "stuckupness".

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If a deck sucks, tell the person it sucks, but give them ways to make it better. Although, personally I don't comment on decks a lot because i'm not experienced enough........

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Of course, because noobs don't take good advice. But i'm learning more about the meta, and soon I'll be able to give just as good advice.


*plus, I'm building a perfect gemini deck*

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Although you may not like the comments sart. makes. It doesn't change the fact that he knows what he's talking about. However' date=' the level of criticism from him should be lowered a bit.





That`s exactly what I tried to explain on my last post.

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Sartorius' date=' how would someone of your personality even be suiting or a moderator, hell, you'd be horrible has your stuck up, your an arrogant prick, be mean to newbies who just want to learn how to make there deck better, seriously, your probably the least deserving to become a moderator, nobody cares about whether there deck is horrible or not, they want to know how to improve it




i think that sart would be good mod

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Chaoserver is too quick to get aggressive' date=' so he would not be a suitable moderator for this site.


Well.... Perhaps if I could ban the fools..... [/wishful thinking]


But seriously, becoming a mod has never been on my agenda, whereas Sart has wanted it for quite some time. Though I have seen some questionable moderator choice lately, which isn't surprising given the condition of the site.


And about being aggressive, it is simply because when an arrogant/ignorant individual presents an arguement I feel obligated to respond, having been fathered by the most close minded individual of all.

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