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Counter Counter not a counter

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Yeah i was just skimming my cards when i noticed all my copies of counter counter which was just released in Tactical Evolution all were missing the counter trap emblem. Which made me wonder how can you chain it to a counter trap to activate when the spell speed is lower.


Anyway i finally got around to looking online and it seems it got misprints of the card. It is indeed a counter trap. Does anyone else have one of the misprinted ones?


Copied the below from the offical ruling site.


Counter Counter (Tactical Evolution)

This card is a Counter Trap. The Counter Icon is missing from some printings.

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Yeah i was just skimming my cards when i noticed all my copies of counter counter which was just released in Tactical Evolution all were missing the counter trap emblem. Which made me wonder how can you chain it to a counter trap to activate when the spell speed is lower.


Anyway i finally got around to looking online and it seems it got misprints of the card. It is indeed a counter trap. Does anyone else have one of the misprinted ones?


Copied the below from the offical ruling site.


Counter Counter (Tactical Evolution)

This card is a Counter Trap. The Counter Icon is missing from some printings.

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And when they mass misprinted Neo Daidailus (Sp) in the deck' date=' people could send them to UDE and they would send them a correct copy.


No pack.



If it was a free pack, I could easily get half a booster box.


Sorry guys, Sart is right on that one.



On a side note: I've pulled every different ultra from TAEV :) with darkbright pulled twice.

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