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lolwut? Pokemon?


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[spoiler=Description]Well, its not really a splice, but its not really a fakemon, or disguise. I guess you could call it a costume but whatever, who doesn't like a cute Solrock? It's dressed up for an upcoming pokemon contest about to start :O



[spoiler=Forest Fire Background]ForestFireAvatarcopy.png


[spoiler=White Background]SolrockPokemonContestCostume1.png






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I wouldn't call this a disguise really, it isn't trying to look like another Pokemon. This is just plainly and edit I suppose, or arguably a type change. Basically he altered the Pokemon a lot to make it look new and different. A type change is when you make a Pokemon a new type, and I suppose you made this more of a fire type.


I first off don't like the spirals on the eyes. Some of the borders are really thick, they seem very weird, and I can't really tell what it's suppose to be. With the flames, if the Pokemon is stationary, they shouldn't be all flowing that way. Flames usually flow upwards, never really down. If though it's spinning, it makes sense. The orb on the bottom right also has a weird little misplaced pixel. Last but not least, the flames, are they coming out of the rock or is the rock on fire. If they are coming out of the rock, then it doesn't look exactly right to be doing that. If the rocks are on fire, that doesn't make sense.

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