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What should Konami do next?

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What do you think Konami should expand upon for the next booster set.


I would really like to see some Thunder cards, I mean come on!!!, they made a new type when they still hadn't really created cards for a type that already existed. The only Thunder card that comes to my mind as even remotely good is Gaurdian Tryce, and even then, he sucks.


So, what should Konami do next?

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The only Thunder card that comes to my mind as even remotely good is Gaurdian Tryce.




Yeah, that's good-ish as well. Thunder Dragon ain't too crappy either, but I don't know if that's Thunder or Dragon. They could make some more Plant or Sea Serpent Monster and Supportn cards as well.

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I think it should consist of more of that Hamburger cards support.




And also, they need moar Reptile and Sea Serpent monsters that don't suck.


No more crap fillers like Takriminos. Everyone knows of that epic failure of a card...i want a card that is going to be useful, it's not going to be broken, its probably going to get limited or banned by the time it's printed.


And on another note, Konami needs to quit making filler cards. SERIOUSLY. no more Sand Stone, Boar Soldier, Unfortunate Report, or Souleater cards. What the hell was Souleater for anyway?

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Konami should take all the cards like Dark Armed Dragon, Destiny Draw, Destiny Hero- Malicious, and Judgment Dragon, and set fire to them in a massive efigy burning made of Yu-Gi-Oh cards in the shape of Konami's CEO. Then they should give support to everything that isn't DARK, Zombie, or Lightsworn.

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SEA SERPENTS AND THUNDER TYPES!!!!!!!! they don't have anything. The only good thunder types are Sanga the Thunder' date=' The Creator, Thunder King, and Twin-headed Thunder Dragon. The only good Sea Serpents are Water Dragon, and Kaiser Sea Horse, and KSH isn't even a Sea Serpent support but a Light Support

[/quote']Since when were Sanga of Thunder and Twin Headed Thunder Dragon good?

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