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[DISC] Debris Dragon

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Please note that this looks like a baby Stardust Dragon



Lore: When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 monster with 500 ATK or less from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. The effect(s) of the monster Special Summoned this way are negated. This card can only be used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster; The other Synchro Material Monster(s) for this Synchro Summon must be of a Level other than 4.


In other words, a dragon version of Junk Synchron



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Guest PikaPerson01



Only usable for Black Rose or Chain Dragon.

500 ATK or less monsters aren't exactly meta, other then Tuners.


BTW, this thing is a tuner IIRC.


Edit: Oh, I just noticed it was an Elemental Hero Andrew topic. Lol Elemental Hero Andrew.

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you know' date=' you can use it (with a level 4 monster) to bring out Colossal Fighter or TRA or Goyo (with lv 2 tuner)... just as long it's not a dragon...



This card can only be used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster; The other Synchro Material Monster(s) for this Synchro Summon must be of a Level other than 4.


I suggest you read the card first. The first combo you listed is negated twice: the second is just negated once.

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Stardust Dragon must be ashamed to be related to this.


I am ashamed for Stardust Dragon' date=' it's baby is ugly.



This should be ashamed of itself for being related to an awesome card called Stardust Dragon.


Discrimination to its maximum.


I proclaim this:


[spoiler=minor swearing included]F**K THE META!


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Only usable for Black Rose or Chain Dragon.

500 ATK or less monsters aren't exactly meta' date=' other then Tuners.


BTW, this thing is a tuner IIRC.


Edit: Oh, I just noticed it was an Elemental Hero Andrew topic. Lol Elemental Hero Andrew.



Edit: i thought it read that it couldnt be used for a Dragon Synchro.



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Guest PikaPerson01



Only usable for Black Rose or Chain Dragon.

500 ATK or less monsters aren't exactly meta' date=' other then Tuners.


BTW, this thing is a tuner IIRC.


Edit: Oh, I just noticed it was an Elemental Hero Andrew topic. Lol Elemental Hero Andrew.



Black Rose Dragon is a Dragon.




Are you stupid, or do you just enjoy hearing the sound of your voice repeating what I've already said?

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Only usable for Black Rose or Chain Dragon.

500 ATK or less monsters aren't exactly meta' date=' other then Tuners.


BTW, this thing is a tuner IIRC.


Edit: Oh, I just noticed it was an Elemental Hero Andrew topic. Lol Elemental Hero Andrew.



Black Rose Dragon is a Dragon.




Are you stupid, or do you just enjoy hearing the sound of your voice repeating what I've already said?


I fixed my mistake. I misread the card. Besides, Im not hearing my voice as I type. Anyways, summoning Black Rose Dragon with this isnt exactly useful. You can either have him with 500 more ATK and nuke anyways or, keep him and use his second effect which would make me wonder why would you use this instead of Copy Plant/Nettles.



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I love how its art resembles Stardust Dragon, and its effect is specifically geared to stop you from using him with Stardust Dragon.


Also, "Black Rose Dragon is a Dragon" isn't as huge a statement of the obvious as it sounds. [Proto] Cyber [End/Twin/Barrier/Laser] Dragon, Chimeratech [Over/Fortress] Dragon, Megarock Dragon, Gatling/Blowback/Barrel Dragon, Solar Flare Dragon, and so on have "Dragon" in the name, but are not Dragons.

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