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|Sam's Member Cardz*| *Shut Down


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If this is supposed to be in shops, can you please put it in there mods?

Hello, and welcome to Sam's Member Cardz. Here, if you request a member card you get on... With great OCG... I just thought I would do member cards for fun. Please tell me a type of picture you want, and I can work on it.


[spoiler=Member Cards]146412rw2.jpg146412wk2.jpg





[spoiler=Who's Member Cards]#1 - Maxscool101 #2 - Necro Lord #3 - Darth killa #4 - jackmoonward #5 - XEVILCl0wnX



[spoiler=Image Credit]Max the Element Fiend - Google .Duff.Man. - Google The Killing Man, Darth - Google Silent Killer, Jack - Google The President of Evil Clowns - Google


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