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Plaguespreader Zombie

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OOC:I know but I'll break it down


1.He was angry with him and only hurt his horse


2.I know his character is not a Summoner. He's a Sellsword with Summoners on his side


3.My guy said he had an old Summoner friend


4.I know and I have PMed Hyuuga to stop using Light Magic when no characters that he controls can

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Atticus ran up to Luna (Support talk.)



"Atticus, sorry master, I was just trying to help out..."

"You almost got yourself killed saving Dylan."

"It was all my fault! I didn't want to..."

"You should have just told me, I could have easily healed him. I don't want to lose my precious daughter so easilly. Please be more careful." He hugs Luna.

"Ok, Atticus. I'll be more careful. I'll show you that I can be a great apprentice."


*Support level went up!*

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