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its a skull servant deck.


3 skull servants

3 king of the skull servants

3 lady in wight

2 pyramid turtle

2 mystic tomato

3 zombie master

1 man eater bug

3 mezuki

monster 20


2 foolish burial

1 mystic space typhoon

1 lightning vortex

1 monster reborn

1 level limit area B

1 swords of revealing light

2 inferno reckless summon

2 call of the mummy

2 card of safe return

3 book of life

1 messenger of peace

magic 17


1 mask of restrict

3 graceful revival

1 gravity bind

trap 5


deck 42



the mask of restrict is really just as a lockdown addon since this deck doesnt tribute at all.


also, i was thinking the wicked avatar would be a good addition, since with the degree of swarming i can do, it would be easy to get it out with a huge attack

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