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Plaguespreader Zombie

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This be a Total Drama Island Roleplay but twist time Part 2 the Winner Gets 6 + Reps and 1000 Points :D. To join fill out the form below Only 22 people shall be accepted. WARNING:RANDOM CARTOON CHARACTERS MAY APPEAR





Worst Fear:

Favirote TDI Character:



Type of teen (The Loner, The tough Kid):


This will be a regular TDI RP PM Votes off yadda yadda If you get voted off DEAL WITH IT!!!!


Remaining People (Boys)

Axle (The Tough Street Rat) (Axle C.)

Atticus (The Lovestruck Cool Kid) (HyuugaKing)


Remaining People (Girls)

Izzy (The Crazy, Hot Girl) (Yoshigohan)

Rain (The Witty One) (Diosdelbebe)


Voted Off

Shinji (Didn't jump)

Jane (For Being a weird cartoon character)

Ami (1) (For Cheating on Axle)

Jude (For being an AWESOME cartoon character)

John (???)

Jack (???)

Erin (???)

Christian (1) (See Christian (2))

Ami (2) (Boys chased her off the island)

Anna (1) (User Got Banned)

Christian (2) (Stewie tricked Cay and Emily to vote him off instead of himself)

Anna (2) (User Got Banned)

Alex (User got Banned)

Stewie (Burned the Food in the Cooking Challenge)

Ami (3) (See Ami (1))

Emily (To Protect every one else on the island)

Owen (???) (10th Place)

Christian (3) (???) (9th Place)

Renne (Forfeited Dodgeball game) (8th Place)

Cay (Dock of Shame People) (7th Place)

Mac (Was annoying as heck) (6th Place)

Zeke (Ezekiel) (Gave Up?) (5th Place)


Taken for Triquel

DJ (Axle C.)

Owen (Dylangohan1)

Geoff (Diosdelbebe)

Gwen (Diosdelbebe)

Izzy (Dylangohan1)

Duncan (Axle C.)

Heather (Hyuugaking)

Noah (Hyuugaking)

Trent (Maxscool101)

Cody (Maxsool101)

Justin (Christian Exodia)


The RPS Official Club


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Name: Christian

Appearance: Post it later

Gender: Male

Worst Fear: People(Even a dummy) getting sliced in half

Favorite TDI Character: Cody or Duncan

Personality: Laid-back, chilled

Bio: Christian is a teen who is always chilled unless under pressure or just for ratings or LOL's. Christian is like, a friendly person who wouldn't accept awards unless he worked long & hard for them.

Type of character: A mix of the Deliquent, the Party Guy, & whoever DJ is

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Atticus comes in with Renne on his shoulder, she's grinning idly.

"Chris my man!" Atticus Said excitedly. He smiled and gave Chris a high five.

"Wow, it is GREAT to be back here." Atticus added.

"Oh my god! We're back on da island! I want sprinkles!!! *Belch*" Renne gurgled.

"Sorry, um, she fould some wine in the back and........well.." Atticus chuckled a bit.

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"I'm super crazy drunk!" Renne giggled and she hiccuped.

"Dude, I'm almost 18...." Atticus said to Cay, "So I hear my pal Axle won the whole shabang right? Good for him, he needed it." Atticus smiled.

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OOC: Oh, nvmd, he's 16....


Atticus looked around. He smelled the crisp canada air, much cleaner than polluted NYC. Renne smiled at him.

"This time...I'm gonna do better...." Renne said.

"Yeah, I hope you get farther, I hope you will stay a while with me..." Atticus said dreamily.

"I'm going to throw up..." Renne gurgled.

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