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Crappy Cards you wish were actually GOOD

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After looking through my box of old cards, searching through the Gate Guardian, crap fillers and old ritual cards, i began to think "these cards look awesome but they suck so bad...i wish they could've been awesome"...


and then a genie popped up and said "What is your wish sir?" and i was like "i wish my Performance of Sword and my other crappy cards had a kickass effect!" and he was like "No, Make a thread about it on YCM instead, im playing pokemon right now and i dont need to waste my time."


So i did. Has there ever been a card you found, had or seen that sucked or got one up'd by a newer and better card that you wish was good?

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Queen's Knight King's Knight and Jack's Knight.

Bought them all in their Ultm rarity before I realized I had a 90 card deck, no sleeves, and it's main objective was too get out Blue Eyes Shining. It had like 3 tributes.


So yea, now I'm stuck with extra copies of those.

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