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User Group Logos

The Ruby

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I made these for my site, and wanted some C+C =P




Owner is me, the ROOT Administrator.



Co-Owner is my right hand man, like Vice President.



Administrators take care of the forum.



Global Banister are Super Moderators.



Banisters are Moderators.
















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I added a second version, which are smaller, and some colors changed.



Those are cool. I want one of those.


I guess I could sell Group Logo's in my shop?


YCM doesn't have one of those >.>


Anyway their fine =P


Bit basic but fine' date=' I don't really like the extra brightness to them =\



YCM should right? =P

Theres extra brightness because they're used on a dark forum Lol


They are pretty basic' date=' as CA already stated. But I like them ^_^



Thank You ^_^


Pretty basic.

I would rate some more' date=' but I'm still :lol: ing at "banister" XD



yeah yeah, i like the new name, not its meaning but the name is cool =P


I like the color of Adminastator' date=' its my favorite color (don't tell my other favorite color Crimson that). Anyways, those are very cool.


The Crimson One,




Lol, i won't tell ;)

and Thank You ^_^


Browa is a global wooden railing!!!11oneone!1!


I like these. Pretty basic' date=' as said, but they look nice. Also, isn't it InFiniteXero? =/

I'll be Admin, right? (=D Admin on vB is win)



Thanks, and enough with the basic comments =/ Lol

its InFiniteX, but i'm not calling it that all the

time, I rather shorten it to InFiniteX =P


nice. i like all of them. interesting name' date=' Banister.



Thank You, and the name sounded cool, so I stuck with it =P

Name Credit goes to Kox Lol


PM Me Thar Link To Thy Website Of Awesome Group Logos. I'll Apply For Thy Job Of A Banister. 9/10. Pink Is Not Scary!


The site is currently down, for obvious reasons, if you wish to know you can PM me =P I can always PM you the link when the site comes back up =P. And thanks. I would like some more Banisters ^_^, and Global Banisters are now Red, so its scary now >=D

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