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I just found an awesome combo and it can go in anti-meta(this is not though).



Monsters 19


1 Caius the Shadow Monarch

1 Breaker the Magical Pwner

1 Elemental Hero Stratos

2 Plaguespreader Zombie

3 Destiny Hero Malicious

3 Destiny Hero Dasher

2 Dark Armed Dragon

3 Zombyra the Dark

1 Dark Creator(cause hes cool)

1 Cyber Dragon

1 Dark Grepher




Spells 21


3 Allure of Darkness

3 Destiny Draw

3 Hostile Vassal

1 Monster Reborn

2 Mind Control

1 Brain Control

3 Shiens Spy

1 Reasoning

1 Monster Gate

1 Giant Trunade

3 Arms Hole


Extra Deck 15


2 Colossal Fighter

3 Stardust Dragon

3 Goyo Guardian

3 Red Dragon Archfiend

2 Thought Ruler Archfiend

2 Black Rose Dragon

2 Doomkaiser Dragon




Any beatstick above 2000 ATK equipped with 2 Hostile Vassal + Shiens Spy + Brain/Mind Control.


Total 5 card FTK.


Caius and Cyber Dragon gives me level variety. Dasher gives me D Draw fodder plus special summons. Malicious gives me gate fodder.


Arms hole is awesome here giving me 6 of my Hostile Vassals.


Dark Creator is more level variety plus it can remove uneeded cards such as an In-Grave DAD to Special Summon more beatsticks and it can also get me back to 3 darks.


Im not running solemns cause I dont have space and besides, If my opponent solemns me he just made it easier for me to win.


This can still pull the OTK in the late game but it plays like the old DAD too.



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"Any beatstick above 2000 ATK equipped with 2 Hostile Vassal + Shiens Spy + Brain/Mind Control."


How does inflicting 4000 damage to both players equal an FTK?


Even if your reasoning was correct, you would be the one to take damage first when you changed control. This combo inflicts 4000+ damage for the monster switching to the opponent, then because you control the monster when you snatch it back, you take the damage.

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Too bad PoC's Original ATK is 0.


Yeah' date=' I just noticed that. Ill remove it for something else. Suggestions?


Exodia is a better 5 Card OTK.


10 of my monsters are naturally above 2000, hostile is basically filling 6 slots, shiens spy is at 3 and i have 1 mind control and 1 brain control. Also, both hostiles can be in the GY cause I can still get them with arms hole.


"Any beatstick above 2000 ATK equipped with 2 Hostile Vassal + Shiens Spy + Brain/Mind Control."


How does inflicting 4000 damage to both players equal an FTK?


Even if your reasoning was correct' date=' you would be the one to take damage first when you changed control. This combo inflicts 4000+ damage for the monster switching to the opponent, then because you control the monster when you snatch it back, you take the damage.



``If control of the equipped monster changes, inflict damage equal to that monster's original ATK to its controller. ``


Thats to its new controller. I equip 2 send it to you. you take 4000. I activate Mind/Brain Control, I take 4000. In the End Phase I send it back to you to do another 4000. Thats OTK in my book. Even so, I could just do it backwards and give it to you, and then equip him


wow looks fun =3


It is. I tested it on DMU and it plays similar to the old DAD deck.


Bump and fixes made.

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That really depends. Brain Control might activate to return the monster to your opponent, but the control would also switch back to you by the effect of Shien's Spy.


There's no ruling on whether it would simply return to you or if your opponent would get it returned by Brain first. Then again, I believe you also get to choose which order two card effects that activate during the End Phase will be.


But then there's also whether or not you would lose Life Points and get 0 Life Points as well due to the effect, since both effects happen in a chain, but I guess that whoever goes to 0 very first is the loser.


You're probably right, though. I was thinking in different terms.


P.S. Has anyone noticed that DMU has a lot of changed cards?

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