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The Assasin for the King (rate and comment)


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...an assassin that kills himself in the croud...

I would re write him like so.




effect: When this card comes into play for the first time it has 3 dagger counters on it. Select an opposing monster then remove one dagger counter you may roll one 6 sided dice if the result is anything other than a 1 or 6 the assassination was successful, destroy the target. If your opponents monster card zone is full return this card and one opposing monster back to their owners hand. If you have a full monster card zone this card gains 300 attack points.


What that will do is allow you to be a true assassin. When in crouds of neutral or freindly people assassins gain power but when they are surrounded by foes they make their dairing escape. The dagger counters where just to stay true to the whole assassin consept and make it feal more like a true assassin would. The cards i use for the idea of this effect were both snipe hunter and neospacian grand mole.They are both level 3's and this monster is level 7 so its fine to combine their effects in a wattered down way and throw in a new one{the gain attack one}.


Snipe hunter-Discard one card roll a dice if it is anything other than 1 or 6 and opposing monster dies.

Grand Mole- if this card does battle with an opposing monster send it back to your hand.

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...an assassin that kills himself in the croud...

I would re write him like so.




effect: When this card comes into play for the first time it has 3 dagger counters on it. Select an opposing monster then remove one dagger counter you may roll one 6 sided dice if the result is anything other than a 1 or 6 the assassination was successful' date=' destroy the target. If your opponents monster card zone is full return this card and one opposing monster back to their owners hand. If you have a full monster card zone this card gains 300 attack points.


What that will do is allow you to be a true assassin. When in crouds of neutral or freindly people assassins gain power but when they are surrounded by foes they make their dairing escape. The dagger counters where just to stay true to the whole assassin consept and make it feal more like a true assassin would. The cards i use for the idea of this effect were both snipe hunter and neospacian grand mole.They are both level 3's and this monster is level 7 so its fine to combine their effects in a wattered down way and throw in a new one{the gain attack one}.


Snipe hunter-Discard one card roll a dice if it is anything other than 1 or 6 and opposing monster dies.

Grand Mole- if this card does battle with an opposing monster send it back to your hand.

[/quote']yea... that like compleatly changed the entire card exept the pic... i like it the way it is so... ty anyway

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