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Despite what my join date says, i haven't really posted anything since that day so I'm still sort-of new so I'm sorry if this is a in the wrong place.


Anyways, i gotta a question about the type of Deck called Weapon Toolbox

and I'm thinking of building one but the only cards that I have that can support a toolbox deck is DD Warrior Lady, Goblin Attack Force, Exiled Force, Sangan, Reinforcement of Army, Mystic Swordsman LV2, and " " LV4


So i gotta question, im also gonna start getting Synchro Monsters and Tuner monsters so i was wondering if there is a way to make a Warrior Toolbox Deck with Synchro and Tuner Monsters?

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It was, when the world was young and ripe for innovation. Problem is, there aren't enough good Warriors for Warrior Toollbox - most have been siphoned away by the banlist (D. D. Warrior Lady, Elemental Hero Stratos), or poorly designed to be any great use (Marauding Captain, Don Zaloog - arguably).

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Bushi Synchro perhaps. Some of those cards you metioned however wouldnt be used.


The Tuners you would want to use would be Jutte Fighter (Level 2 Tuner), Rose, Warrior of Revenge (Level 4 Tuner) and maybe Junk Synchron (Level 3 Tuner).


To dump the Bushis, cards like Foolish Burial can do this job. Armageddon Knight is a maybe since The Immortal Bushi is a DARK and Armageddon Knight is a Warrior like Bushi if you need more Bushi dumping to occur.

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Either Bushi Synchro' date=' or you could do what I did and make a generic Warrior Toolbox with Gravekeeper's Spies splashed in to provide synchro material for Rose, Warrior of Revenge.



I think i only have one GraveKeeper's Spy


D. D. Warrior Lady


DD Warrior Lady is banned? I don't see it on any banned lists o.o


Its limited

Jutte Fighter (Level 2 Tuner), Rose, Warrior of Revenge (Level 4 Tuner) and maybe Junk Synchron (Level 3 Tuner).


Those cards come from Duelist Genesis, Yusei's Starter Deck,and Crossroads of Chaos, heh well at least they're easy to get

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This is what I came up with


Monsters 18


2 Freed the Matchless General

3 Gearfried the Iron Knight

3 The Immortal Bushi

2 Marauding Captain

1 Armageddon Knight

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

2 Junk Synchron/Rose Warrior of Revenge

2 Jutte Fighter

2 Exiled Force

1 D.D. Warrior



Spells 18


3 Smoke Grenade of the Thief

3 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Card of Safe Return

2 Foolish Burial

1 Smashing Ground

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

2 Book of Moon

1 Giant Trunade



Traps 4


1 Torrential Tribute

3 Blast with Chain



Extra Deck


Common Synchros



You could try fitting armageddon knights

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