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Kingdom Hearts:Keyblade Wars

Alastar Rainford

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-rave and blue had been walking for what felt like 3 years...and still nothing-


rave:...this...this is hopeless,sis

blue:i know...but...what about the island you said was conected to here

rave:...that...that was along time ago...ye...*rave was cut off by a small army of heartless and nobodies,and a hooded figure*


-rave couldn't beleve what he was seeing...-


???;...rave you've finaly returned

rave:who are you?

???; it's me roxas...

rave:...blue...lets beat this guy...together!

blue:you got it bro!


-it took only minits to finish of the heartless and nobodies, now only roxas was left-


roxas:...i wouldn't kill me if i was you...we are conected in 2 ways

rave and blue:WHAT!?

rave: explain now!

roxas:...i will...later, ha,ha,ha...

-as roxas left rave and blue where transported into a new world... The Sanctity of Hearts(ooc: the place Organization XIIIs heartless dewll...well all but roxas and xemnas)...and to another...and another...untill they where in twilight town-

rave: home sweet home...


ooc: rave has a side story: killing all of org 13 heartless or nobody[EDIT: what world is every one else in?]

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-rave and blue saw a starnge opjust plumet from out of the sky(ooc:ron and craz's ship)-


rave:that the? whats going on here

blue:...i'm not sure lets og check it out

rave: ok!


-as they ran to the crash site they where blocked by 15 twilight thorns-

rave:...when will it end?

blue: DIE! VORPAL SPLIT!*she had only killed 2 with her strongest attack*

rave:...danm...*rave lept up and slashed the biggest in two... and it transformed into two more* WHAT THE?


rave: SHUT UP!


ooc: Clasic brother v. sister fight

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-after what seemed like hours of fighting(and argeuing) rave and blue finaly finished killing the twilight thorns, and continued to the crash site-


rave: wonder what crashed?

blue: something big i guese...


-once they made it to the crash site they saw someone walk away and some one near the ship-


rave:...so...it was a ship?

blue:who is that?

rave: lets go see*they walked over to the ship*

rave: hey are you ok?

blue: we saw your ship crash...and we came to investigate

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-blue was takeing care of ron when they where surounded by an army oe elite heaartless and nobodies-


rave:...easy, you guys rest i can handle this...AXEL!8right beside him was axels heartless*

axel:...what do you want...

rave: some backup would by nice

blue:...*sigh* i guese its my turn to miss the action


-as rave and axels heartless where fighting the army they soon realized...they where near there stronghold-


rave:...umm...guys, we better move...away,mainly cuz where near there stronghold...*as he lifted agas on his back*...danm your heavy

blue:...some with this one...*running with ron on her back*

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Agas: Put Me Down!


Agas Jumped Off Raves Back, She Then Grabbed Guardians Soul And Shouted,


Agas: Dragon Fang!!!!!!!!!!


She Then Struck Guardians Soul Into The Ground Making A Magic Earthquake That Killed Many Heartless And Nobodys, But It Was Not Enough, She Then Continued Running With The Others

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-rave,blue,ron and agas where surounded by aleast 100000000000000000000000000000000000 heartless and nobodies-


rave and blue:...we're doomed



rave and blue:...DIE FIGHTING!!!

-rave and blue where masicuring the the heartless and nobodies-


rave:...same here! agas, guard ron! well take out the main forces and the...............................OMGWTMFS!!!???


-everyone was stareing in awe...the evil legend Ansem...was alive!?-


Ansem:...little sora...he could defete me...i was in here thewhole time


ooc: MAJOR plot twist

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