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Kingdom Hearts:Keyblade Wars

Alastar Rainford

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Neos awoke in a white castle


Neos: ... Where am I?


Then twenty small white beings appeared around him


Neos: Hmm... I don't know what the hell you are, but I have a feeling you aren't exactly the welcoming commitee.


Then Neos' Keyblades appeared at his sides and he was set into a battle stance


The white creatures had begun to charge at him when a person in a black trenchcoat appeared and commaned them to halt


???: You are a Keybearer... Come... Now...


Neos: And if I refuse?


???: I'm sorry if I made that sound optional, Come with me... now!


Neos: No.


Neos began to snicker and resumed his battle position, but, before he knew it, Neos was unconcious.

OoC: I read the rules, and just to ask, what does OoC mean O_o

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She Then Grabbed And Lifted Ron Into The Air,


Agas: DID HE SAY ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!


She Then Lowered Him,


Agas: Sorry, I Just Didn't Know Him That Well..............


She Then Realised He Blushed, But Instead Of Blushing Back She Begined To Cry, She Then Hugged Ron,


Agas: *sob* I Need To Know How He Did Stuff, Great Summoner Yuna (He Protected Her) Told Me He Was Great And Was Calm, Even At Serious Times, Plz, Do You Remember Anything*sob*

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Roger Roscuro looks at Agas closely You know, you look alo like your father.


Ooc: Roscuro knows Auron as Roscuro travels through worlds to restore balance to them, (balance being like our world with no single entity completly dominating the other) and due to Sin's great power Spira was unbalanced, because of this Roscuro went to Spira and became an Aeon which Yuna gained, he asked Yuna to keep him secret so no-one besides Yuna and her guardians know about him. He appears without being summoned at certain times, allowing him to talk to Auron and the other members.

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