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Dimension-mill Fissure


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Ok so this deck is a little somthing ive whipped up based on seeing "Scanner" by milling my opponent and using scanner, I can do sustaintial damage



Cliff the Trap Remover x3

Don Zaloog x3

Flame Worm x3

Hieracosphinx x3

Morphing Jar

Needle Worm x3

Scanner x3


Book of Eclipse x3

Book of Moon 2

Dimensional Fissure x3

Heavy Storm

The Shallow Grave x3


Assault on GHQ x3

Crush Card Virus

Macro Cosmos x2

Solemn Judgment x3

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Once per turn, you can select 1 of your opponent's removed from play monsters. Until the End Phase of this turn, treat this card's name as the selected monster; The Attribute, Level, ATK and DEF of this card are treated as the same as that of of the selected monster. If this card is removed from the field during the turn this effect was used, it is removed from play.


Control + F + monster's effect = No results found

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